MP Filtri Contamination monitoring products

MP Filtri develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of contamination control solutions designed to maximize the lifespan and productivity of hydraulic systems. This advanced technology enables preventive and predictive maintenance, ensuring maximum operational continuity, extended component life, and reduced costs.


MP Filtri Portable contamination monitors and particle analyzer


The following versions are available:

  • Portable light extinction particle analyzer LPA3 series

  • Compact portable contamination monitor CML4 series

MP Filtri In-line contamination monitors


The following versions are available:

  • In-line contamination monitor

  • Wifi-enabled In-line contamination monitor

Hydraulic components expert advice

As an experienced hydraulics distributor, BK-Systems Germany offers you free expert advice on the right MP Filtri components.

Tel.: + 49 (0) 228 40 38 77 51
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 40 38 77 52

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